Descendants of
George Ssymank

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The search doesn't make a difference between upper and lower case. When you are not sure, if a name is to write with umlauts (ä, ö, ü) respectively ß or ae, oe, ue respectively ss, please take the umlaut respectively ß. That delivers both as result.

Additionally, the search can be confined:
Christian Symmank --> only delivers persons, named "Christian Symmank"
Symmank Christian --> does not deliver a result, because in the liste the first name comes first
Symmank+Christian --> delivers persons, named "Symmank" AND "Christian"
Symmank-Christian --> delivers persons, named "Symmank" but NOT "Christian"
Symmank,Symank --> delivers persons, named "Symmank" OR "Symank"
The following lists are available to search through:
Descendants of George Ssymank (my ancestor of the line Symmank)
Descendants of Hansz Symmank (an ancestor of the american Sym(m)ank)
Descendants of George Korch (an ancestor of the american Sym(m)ank)
Descendants of Carl August Simmank (an ancestor of the american Simmank)
Descendants of Johann Ernst Simmank (an ancestor of the american Simmank)
Descendants of Johann August Symank (an ancestor of the american Neitsch)
Descendants of Arndt Holtkamp (my ancestor of the line Meyer zum Vorwalde)
Descendants of Caspar Heinrich Tiemann (an ancestor of the american Tiemann)

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